2022 年 1 月,Caleb Cohoe 主编的 Aristotle’s On the Soul: A Critical Guide 在剑桥大学出版社出版,是该社“批判指南”(Critical Guides)丛书的一种。本卷文集由 13 位古代哲学史专家合作完成,重视讨论亚里士多德灵魂理论与其前辈生命-灵魂理论之间的关系,同时也强调亚氏“灵魂”概念对一切生命体活动的解释功能。文集各章次序大致依照亚里士多德《论灵魂》的内容顺序排定,便于随亚氏原著伴读。但这套丛书不编制书后索引,有时较难将某一概念在不同章节的讨论勾连起来查检,这是美中不足之处。《论灵魂》新中译本(陈玮译,北京大学出版社)也已于去年问世,以“灵魂”概念为核心的亚里士多德生命理论可望在国内得到新的研究。

Aristotle’s On the Soul aims to uncover the principle of life, what Aristotle calls psuchē (soul). For Aristotle, soul is the form which gives life to a body and causes all its living activities, from breathing to thinking. Aristotle develops a general account of all types of living through examining soul’s causal powers. The thirteen new essays in this Critical Guide demonstrate the profound influence of Aristotle’s inquiry on biology, psychology and philosophy of mind from antiquity to the present. They deepen our understanding of his key concepts, including form, reason, capacity, and activity. This volume situates Aristotle in his intellectual context and draws judiciously from his other works as well as the history of interpretation to shed light on his intricate views. It also highlights ongoing interpretive debates and Aristotle’s continuing relevance. It will prove invaluable for researchers in ancient philosophy and the history of science and ideas.
Caleb Cohoe is Professor of Philosophy at Metropolitan State University of Denver. He has published numerous articles on ancient philosophy in journals including Apeiron, the British Journal for the History of Philosophy, Philosophical Quarterly and Phronesis.