汉学家 Chiara Bocci 的新书 On Feathers and Furs: The Animal Section in Duan Chengshi’s Youyang zazu (ca. 853) 于2021年12月由 Harrasowitz 出版社出版。本书是对唐代段成式《酉阳杂俎》卷十六“广动植之一”中“羽篇”和“毛篇”的英文译注。这一部分文本论述的是鸟类和兽类,原文只有四千余言,英译者对其中名物做了尽可能详细的讨论。
本书是“海洋亚洲”(Maritime Asia)丛书的第30册,这套丛书此前出版了多部有关中国古代动物知识的专著,值得博物学史研究者关注。

One of the great literary achievements of the Tang dynasty, the Youyang zazu, or “Miscellaneous Morsels from Youyang”, has captivated the attention of those Chinese and western scholars, who appreciated its erudition, originality, and the author’s outstanding storytelling talent.
The aim of this book is to provide a complete annotated translation of its section on birds and quadrupeds (Yu mao pian 羽毛篇), one of the less studied so far, although certainly a most fascinating part. In chapter sixteen, all of the author’s main interests seem in fact to congregate and come to light brilliantly: the natural world and its wonders, but also foreign lands and goods, rare books, strange anecdotes (sometimes from hearsay), and exotic names or curious expressions, as well as rhymes and popular sayings, which he recorded with utmost delight and a good portion of humor.
It is precisely the linguistic aspect, the love of words of the philologist Duan Chengshi, which posed the biggest challenge during the translating process. In some cases, it has been possible to identify the object, in other instances, only tentative suggestions have been made.
This study should contribute to extend the knowledge about this work, about its eclectic author, and the way a Chinese literate looked at the world during the Tang dynasty.