Early Science and Medicine 今年第1、2期分别于3月和6月出刊。
- Tilke Nelis. A Jumble of Writings: Commentaries on Aristotle’s De Longitudine et Brevitate Vitae Attributed to Adam of Buckfield.
- Athanasios Rinotas. The Sciant artifices in the Work of Albert the Great: Towards Two Kinds of Transmutation?
- Michiel Meeusen. A Wine a Day …: Medical Experts and Expertise in Plutarch’s Table Talk.
- La thériaque: Histoire d’un remède millénaire, edited by Véronique Boudon-Millot and Françoise Micheau
- The Poison Trials: Wonder Drugs, Experiment, and the Battle for Authority in Renaissance Science, written by Alisha Rankin
- La Science prise aux mots: enquête sur le lexique scientifique de la Renaissance, edited by Violaine Giacomotto-Charra and Myriam Marrache-Gouraud
- Physico-theology: Religion and Science in Europe, 1650–1750, written by Ann Blair and Kaspar von Greyerz
- Aderemi Artis. The Concept of Changing Laws of Nature in the Baconian Corpus from 1597 to 1623.
- Virginia Iommi Echeverría. The Southern Sky and the Renovation of the Ptolemaic Tradition in Sixteenth-Century Italian Astrologers.
- Lukáš Lička. Shadows in Medieval Optics, Practical Geometry, and Astronomy: On a Perspectiva Ascribed to Thomas Bradwardine.
“开放论坛”(Open Forum)讨论专栏
- Mark Thakkar. A Note on Equiprobability Prior to 1500.
- Rudolf Schuessler. Reply to Mark Thakkar.