新书 | Medieval Multilingual Manuscripts: Case Studies from Ireland to Japan

德古意特(De Gruyter)社“写本文化研究”(Studies in Manuscript Cultures)丛书的第24卷于2022年4月初问世。该卷由爱尔兰/英国历史学家 Michael ClarkeMáire Ní Mhaonaigh 主编,题名为 Medieval Multilingual Manuscripts: Case Studies from Ireland to Japan。本卷文集由12篇聚焦具体写本的研究论文组成,论文作者力图探索中世纪各种文化语境中的写本如何为语言之间的互动创造了场域,这些写本中的语言互动又采取了何种形式。整部文集分为“语言互动与教育”、“语言互动与宗教”和“语言互动与政体建构”三篇。值得注意的是,研究者在这里不仅考虑以显性方式呈现多语文本的写本,也考虑在单语写本中,翻译如何隐性地体现源语言和目标语言之间的互动关系。这组研究也许可作为范例,为国内学者在处理类似写本材料时提供方法论启发。

本书以开放存取(open acess)方式发布,可在主持“写本文化研究”丛书出版工作的汉堡大学写本文化研究中心(Centre for the Study of Manuscript Cultures)网站免费下载


Manuscripts provide rich documentary evidence for understanding the history of cultural life across the breadth of Europe and Asia down through the Middle Ages. Many illustrate engagement between and across languages, in both similar and contrasting ways from east to west. The demarcation of manuscript studies into single-language academic disciplines has often obscured this reality, privileging one constituent part or contributing language from each manuscript rather than exploring the combination as a nuanced and complex whole. This volume seeks to examine manuscripts as integrally united artefacts, respecting the diversity of their constituent elements.

Case studies are presented of twelve manuscripts with evidence for various levels of inter-language exchange and collision, from horizons as diverse as the Atlantic West, Carolingian Europe, the Byzantine world, the Silk Road cultures, and east Asia. The essays function individually as discrete contributions, but together they highlight a range of overlapping themes, illustrating language interaction in global religions, pedagogical exchange, and secular society-building.The analogies as well as the concrete points of connection between them underline the value of a cross-disciplinary approach.


Michael Clarke is Established Professor of Classics at the National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland. He works on comparative approaches to ancient and medieval languages and literatures, and is pursuing a long-term project on Middle Irish intellectual culture in its European context.

Máire Ní Mhaonaigh is Professor of Celtic and Medieval Studies at the University of Cambridge and a Fellow of St John’s College. Her research focuses on Celtic history and literature, and particularly on the texts of medieval Ireland and on contacts and connections between Ireland and the wider world.


