会议 | Pioneer Naturalists: Champions of Conservation and Environmental Engagement

Pioneer Naturalists: Champions of Conservation and Environmental Engagement 是博物学史学会(Society for the History of Natural History)筹备已久的会议,因 COVID-19 疫情缘故,延后至今年5月11日在线上举办。会议邀请7位报告人讨论博物学传统在自然保护实践中发挥的作用。

会议定于英国时间5月11日下午2:00(北京时间11日晚9:00)开始,预计于英国时间11日5:30(北京时间12日0:30)结束。与会者通过 Zoom 免费参会,但需要事先通过 Eventbrite 注册


Pioneer Naturalists: Champions of Conservation and Environmental Engagement on-line

Join SHNH for an afternoon of enlightening talks, exploring the history and role of naturalists as pioneers in biological, geological and landscape conservation, protection and environmental advocacy. The meeting will take place using the on-line conferencing platform Zoom.


2.00-2.10 Welcome and introduction

2.10-2.30 Carlo Bovolo, University of Eastern Piedmont, Italy, Protecting Mountains: Hunting, Naturalists and Nature Conservation in 19th Century Piedmont

2.30-2.50 Nathan Smith, University of Cambridge, Mycological Collections as Legacy in Early Twentieth Century Yorkshire

2.50-3.10 Ian Beavis, Tunbridge Wells Museum and Art Gallery, Conserving Arcadia – Naturalists and Campaigners in Tunbridge Wells 1700-1900

3.10-3.30 Monica Frisch, Cambridge Natural History Society, The Archives of the Cambridge Natural History Society

3.30-3.50 Q&A

3.50-4.10 Break

4.10-4.30 Yvonne Cresswell and Laura McCoy, Manx National Heritage, A Passion for the Manx Landscape – William Hoggatt (1879-1962) Artist and Champion for the Preservation of the Manx Countryside

4.30-4.50 Eva-Charlotta Mebius, University College London, Robert Mudie – A Popular Guide to the Work of a Pioneer Naturalist

4.50-5.10 Michael C. Weisenburg, Cateby Centre, University of South Carolina, “The Grinders of an Elephant’’: Geologic Anomolies and Alternative Epistemologies in Mark Cateby’s Natural History

5.10-5.30 Q&A

5.30 Closing remarks and end of meeting

For further information and updates about the meeting visit https://shnh.org.uk/

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