威尼斯大学研究人员 Fabrizio Baldassarri 主编的文集 Plants in 16th and 17th Century: Botany between Medicine and Science 于今年7月在德古意特出版社出版,作为“医学传统”(Medical Traditions)丛书的第八卷。文集继承了现代早期植物学史的经典研究主题,贡献了一组来自欧洲学者的新文章。

In the pre-modern times, while medicine was still relying on classical authorities on herbal remedies, a new engagement with the plant world emerged. This volume follows intertwined strands in the study of plants, examining newly introduced species that captured physicians’ curiosity, expanded their therapeutic arsenal, and challenged their long-held medical theories. The development of herbaria, the creation of botanical gardens, and the inspection of plants contributed to a new understanding of the vegetal world. Increased attention to plants led to account for their therapeutic virtues, to test and produce new drugs, to recognize the physical properties of plants, and to develop a new plant science and medicine.
Fabrizio Baldassarri, Ca’ Foscari University Venice, Italy.