2021 年底,Thora Brylowe 和 Stephen Yeager 主编的文集 Old Media and the Medieval Concept: Media Ecologies Before Early Modernity 在康考迪亚大学(Concordia University / Université Concordia)出版社出版。本文集试图将媒介研究的概念与方法用于中世纪文本的研究,认为“在数字代码(codes)和写本(codices)之间、在社交媒体(social media)与中世纪社会(medieval societies)之间,存在富有产出性的类比。” 文集的贡献者提出了一系列值得深入探究的知识史研究主题,如媒介研究如何突破断代界限、“数字”(digital)概念在中世纪的起源等。对于有志于探索前现代世界媒介史的研究者来说,本卷文集应当被视为一项重要的贡献。

The so-called “Middle Ages” (media æva) were the mediating ages of European intellectual history, whose commentaries, protocols, palimpsests, and marginalia anticipated the forms and practices of digital media. Edited by Thora Brylowe and Stephen Yeager, this ground-breaking collection of essays calls for a new, intermedial approach to old media periodizations and challenges the epochs of “medieval,” “modern,” and “digital” with the goal of enabling new modes of historical imagining. Essays in this volume explore the prehistory of digital computation; the ideology of media periodization; global media ecologies; the technics of manuscript tagging; the haptic negotiations of authority in medieval epistolarity; charisma; and pedagogy. Old Media and the Medieval Concept forges new paths for traversing the broad networks that connect medieval and contemporary media in both the popular and the scholarly imagination. By illuminating these relationships, it brings the fields of digital humanities, media studies, and medieval studies into closer alignment and provides opportunities for re-evaluating the media ecologies in which we live and work now.
Thora Brylowe is Associate Professor of English at the University of Colorado Boulder. She is a member of the Multigraph Collective and the author of Romantic Art in Practice: Cultural Work and the Sister Arts, 1760–1816.
Stephen Yeager is Associate Professor of English at Concordia University. He is the author of From Lawmen to Plowmen: Anglo-Saxon Legal Tradition and the School of Langland.